I was also looking through old cards that John and I exchanged and this will be our 4th Valentines! I can hardly believe it! Tonight, I was scheduled to work but was called off due to the weather. John and I had already agreed that we were going to do Valentine's Day on Saturday with dinner and then ice skating. So, instead of doing something romantic tonight, we shoveled! YEH! Take a look at our accomplishment after 1 1/2 hours!...

Obviously school was cancelled for me both yesterday and today. I have been sitting around the house cleaning, studying, scrapbooking, etc.. It has been so quiet, I feel like I need to get out and do something! Thankfully though, I have had time to finished scrapbooking all of '06, so I feel that I am least caught up to where I should be.
And for the record, my grandparents in AZ called yesterday and said it was 85 oF.... I'm just a little jealous.