I had to laugh the other day and I am finally getting around to share this story.
I had gone to the liquor store for wine and was walking down the sidewalk to Darrenkamps when I encountered 3 people. A woman had parked her van next to the sidewalk and was proceeding to get out to enter the Puff N' Snuff (a discount tobacco store). This woman was a classic smoker. Older, very wrinkled, thin, straggely hair, and tan skin/orange. I hate to judge people, but I couldn't help but notice her cut-off jean shorts and skin tight tank top. Anyway, another older lady came out of no where pushing her husband in a wheelchair. Under her breath, I could hear her mummble, "You shouldn't be parking there if you are not handicap." This "smoker" lady started yelling at her... "I am so handicap. You're not the only one in this world with disabilities. You think you're better than everyone else.... blah, blah, blah." I couldn't believe that these ladies were fighting over a parking spot that wasn't a true parking spot.
I will admit, I probably would have mummbled the same thing under my breath. I know I shouldn't but sometimes I can't help rude people. Why does everyone think they are better than everyone else and they deserve everything? I don't get it.
The other day, John and I watched 'In Pursuit of Happiness.' If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend watching it. In the movie, Will Smith quoted, I forget who, "Maybe we are all in PURSUIT of happiness because no one can ACHIEVE true happiness." The more I think about that quote, tons of thoughts come into my mind. That is probably a very true statement. Are we all truely happy, or do we put on smiles to please others? How do we achieve happiness? Is it in our work-place, our family, our financial situations? And can we truely be happy in every area of our lives? * just something to think about.
Later today, I will try to get the wedding website up and running. John and I took engagment photos Saturday and I will post a few of them on here as well as on the other website.