Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thank You

We can say thank you enough for all your love and support to us. We couldn't have made it 5 years without all of you behind us, encouraging us through school, starting a buisness, and life's everyday challenges. We love you guys!


Sunday, September 07, 2008

Cooking with Mom

My Saturday consisted of spending the morning at the pediatric office... working of course. MISRIBLE! Since we are getting into flu season, it seems all I am doing is giving nebulizer treatments and giving flu shots. This past Saturday was exceptionally bad...
I had to give 2 flu shots to a brother & sister; probably 11 & 7? They were both screaming so loudly, kicking, punching, and holding onto the door handle to escape. The mom was in no control what so over and after about 5 minutes of this going on, she started to have a break down and cry! She finally got the little girl onto her lap and held her tight. I was just about to go in for the sting, and the child starts to vomiting. She had worked herself up so much, she made herself sick. Although once she got her shot, she was fine. Her brother on the other hand was not so easy. I offered to grab another nurse to help hold him down and he promised he would stop the kicking. Again, once I had the needle open and just about near his arm, his mom released her grip and he started swinging and kicking again. Needless to say, I immediately backed away, needle open and all. I was not about to get stuck with a needle, clean or not clean... I didn't care. This ordeal went on for almost 20 mintues! I'm in the room thinking to myself, 'I do have other patients, I don't really need this today!' I know it's horrible to think, but this is outrageous! As much as I love kids, I hate giving shots! This makes for a really long day!

When I finally got home, my parents brought over Chinese and we started cooking. Our friend is having surgery and I wanted to make dinner for her family while she is recovering, so I decided on something easy... soups. My mom and I made chicken corn noodle soup and white chicken chili... AWESOME! Here are a few pictures for our fun 5 hours of cooking....

Yes, I made the dough rivals! My favorite part to the soup!
And we couldn't have done it without the palmagranite martinis! YUM!

The best part was that I got to use all my new cooking gadgets! I love the Le Crucet and recommend it to everyone!

Look at all the soup!

Goodbye Lancaster, Hello Chicago!

This post is a little late, and Myla has since moved... :(
She has ventured out to the big city of CHICAGO!
We celebrated with a going-away party for her last Sunday.
Here are just a few pictures....