Monday, October 23, 2006


Wow, what a great day I had. My day started off bright and early at 5:30. On my way to school, I saw my first EVER shooting star and of course had to make a wish. I took a test on the cardiovascular system, and did fine. This was not the test I was worried about. I was worried about the one at 3:30.... The big one... The one that my entire future depended upon....
3:30 came and I had to take a 10 question math test. I had 1 hour to pass it and needed to obtain 100%. Well, by 3:45, I had done it.... I passed with flying colors and was offically accepted to the RN nursing program. I am extadic! My dreams can actually start to happen now. I am ready.
And to think, it all started because of a shooting star and my faith that God knew all my plans.

Tonight is also our first life group meeting at 7:30. I'm excited where as I think John is nervous. He is comfortable in the Manheim setting with people he knows. I want to branch out and meet new people. Can't wait.


Melissa Wilson said...

I just left you a message but it isn't showing up, so here it is again! Congrats, jacquie! I am so excited for you, and proud of you too! Good work!

Jacquie said...

hey thanks girl. I can't wait to start.