Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Is that legal?

Yesterday, I stopped at Turkey Hill quickly to fill up on gas and to purchase 1 stamp. The store only sold a pack of 2 stamps, which was fine. The thing is, they were going to charge me $1.89 for both of them! I totally went spastic! How can they do that? That is a government run thing, right?!

My birthday went well. I campaigned for Mrs. Phillips at the poles and so John and I both got home pretty late. He brought me a beautiful arrangement of flowers and card he wrote by himself. It was very nice. Other than that, we just hung out here... nothing special.

Ahh, and tonight, I made chicken corn noodle for the first time ever. It was awesome! I am so proud of myself.

1 comment:

Melissa Wilson said...

Jacquie! I didn't know it was your birthday! Happy Birthday, my dear! And send me your address, so I can send you something!Thanks...