To start, we were to receive a piano from John's parents on Thursday morning. Well, Wednesday night, we still had no idea where this was going to go, much less did we really have the room for it. I stayed up into the wee hours of Thursday morning organizing, rearranging, and cleaning the house. (All this happened after my 11:00pm run to Walmart for organizational 'stuff.')
The piano looks awesome where it is now and both John and I are excited that we were lucky enough to get it. I can't wait to start playing again. I feel as though everything I previous knew, I forgot. My house is still a reck zone due to furniture that needs to be torn down from moving it out of the living room. We look like rednecks that just keep buying stuff and piling it in their house just to have it. It's horrible!
On the UGH part of my day, it has been raining since Saturday night. I mean pouring at times even! I woke up this morning to get some clothing from the basement only to find this mess....
How upsetting! John just kind of shrugged it off as if it were no big deal. No big deal?! My purses are currently out on the porch drying out. Yes, drying out. They were filled with water and most likely ruined! My barbies, and once again, just 'stuff' is ruined. I am just thankful that none of my scrapbooking things are wet.
My only other concern is that I don't think Matilda will want to walk downstairs to her literbox with the floor being wet. I'm afraid she will go to the bathroom throughout the house, but yet I don't want to move the literbox into the kitchen or anything. I don't know what to do! UGH!
Oh well, I guess if Noah can handle 40 days of rain, I can handle this for a few more days.... or maybe not.
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