Eventhough we have a cleaning lady, I always have felt the need to clean before she comes. The floors need to at least be cleared off in order for her to do her job. Well, after 5 years of just "mopping" the bathroom floors, they needed a good scrub. I decided to get down on my hands and knees and do just that. Don't judge when you see the next picture because I'm sure many of your bathrooms are just as filthy.
Well, during my scrubbing session in which I am in sweatpants and a sports bra; this is tough work you know; my mother calls. "Watch out, tornado warnings are in your area. You need to get to the basement immediately. They say they are going to hit in like 5 mintues." Ok. Now the entire time I am cleaning, there is no mention of this on the radio at all. It's not raining, the sun was bright and shinning earlier in the day, and I didn't think anything of it; until I walked downstairs. My house was pitch black, no lights on at all. I ran back upstairs, grabbed Towtow, AKA Matilda, my big blanket and a flashlight. Mind you, I am still in my sports bra and sweats and off to the basement we head.
I find myself sitting alone, John is not home, in the basement with a cat who is crying at the top of the stairs because I am holding her prisioner in her own home. As I look around my basement, I start to wonder.. If this tornado hits my house and all is gone, rescuers will find me, dressed in all/or not all that I am wearing, probably eating doritos. I have nothing to survive on down here. Doritos, spaghetti sauce and ding dongs are all I have! What am I going to do!? At this point, I am getting so nervous I have to pee. I start to think of my options. Wait, I have no other option than to run upstairs to the bathroom. I make a dash for it. Sneaking little by little, wonder if the thunderous rumbles I am hearing are that of a "freight train" sound. When your mind is that much of a panic, everything sounds like a freight train. I make it to the bathroom successfully. YAH! and I decide to pier outside.
As I look out my front window, it's seriously like everyone has come out of hiding. All the neighbors are peeking out their front doors, scared to look both ways. I felt like I was in Oz. Check out these pictures after the storm settled.
Yes, that is hail!
Apparently, this tornado hit pretty bad in the town I grew up in. Everyone had damage, as I have seen from pictures from homes of my friends. Thank goodness we did not get the brunt of the storm.
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