Monday, November 23, 2009

Christmas Cookies

How yummy!

I have so been craving good old fashioned Dutch cooking lately. It hasn't helped matters that all John has been talking about is chicken pot pie either, and I have no clue how to make it. So, I spent the entire day with my grandma, learning the basics of cooking. We made chicken pot pie, peanut brittle, sandtarts, and rice krispies. UMMM, everything was sooo good. And surprisingly, John loved the chicken pot pie, even with the bits of veggies we snuck in.

My grandma's orders for sandtarts consisted of 500 dozen this year... a major increase in production from last season. Within 1 hour, we had already produced 30 dozen! Needless to say, she had rolled, stamped, and decorated 3 baking sheets by the time I completed my first. It didn't help matters that my cookies were not paper thin, hence demoting me to "pro-sprinkler" only. We did so many sandtarts that day and John was glad to see me come home with some of the procedes :)

I love learning how to bake from my grandma and have been asking about a cook book for many Christmas's. It has yet to be produced, as she uses no measurements or cooking utencils. She "eye-balls" it, or so she says, until it looks right. I guess I am in for some more cooking lessons in the near future...

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