John and AJ in the pool. AJ's first "real" time where he didn't scream. The water was just the right temperature. - June 20th
Our unexpected guest that showed up for a mid-afternoon swim. This snapping turtle took John almost 30 minutes to get out of the pool. When I saw him, I don't think I could have gotten AJ out of the pool any faster. I was pretty scared, I know, pathetic.

AJ's first trip to the Manheim Pool-- June16th. Needless to say, we paid 9$ for him to lay on the blanket in the shade and laugh the entire morning. At least he kept me entertained while I got some much needed sun. (June 16th)

AJ's first roll-over from his stomach to back. Obviously not a happy camper... thrilled that it happened on John's birthday; June 25th. He has been rolling over quite a bit from his back to belly which I hear is a lot harder to do. Way to go AJ! :)
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