Our Thanksgiving was spent with me having being able to have off work! YEH! It saved me tons of sleep so I had even more energy to out Black Friday shopping! My parents came up from NC for a few days and stayed with us. From there, we hung out and made our journey to relative's homes for a wonderful dinner. My aunt and uncle did a great job and so did Janelle. She is actually becoming quite the little cook, as she hosted Thanksgiving last year as well.

AJ had his first taste of all the good treats. He loved everything from the turkey down to the cranberry relish at the Simpson's. He was such a good boy and did a wonderful job at the table while at the adults were eating. I think we'll bring him back next year... :)

I have had this winter jacket for him which I really have yet to use. It's too bulky to put it on while he is in the car seat, so to be honest, I rarely use it. This picture just reminds me of the little boy from A Christmas Story. He truly couldn't put his arms down. Poor baby....

AJ had a blast helping me search through Black Friday ads. You better believe I had all my grounds covered and a strategic plan for the morning. This was also the first year Kohls opened at 3 am. It wasn't a problem for me as I wake up at 1am to get ready for work, but you could tell Janelle was hurting a little. This was her first year and I think she was pretty impressed with the deals she got. Lines moved super quick and I got most of my shopping accomplished.

My vehicle after 6 hours of shopping. I still wanted to go back for more, but I think John and my dad were getting a little antsy at home with AJ. Overall, we had an awesome time together.