2 weeks before out big move, our basement flooded. This time, it was a disaster! The sump pump was not installed correctly and the water just rose as it flooded down rain outside. Thankfully, we had some insurance for the sump pump and were refunded only a little. My worst devastation, our wedding album. Everything else is just "materialistic," but our wedding album is all our memories. Hopefully because it was a digital album, we will be able to order another. :(

Farm show season again! LOVE IT! Unfortunately, we only went once this year because of the cold weather. AJ had the opportunity to see all the animals, I have the opportunity to get warm toasted subs, and John got a dreamy glimspe at the John Deer epiqument. Andrew seemed to enjoy all the animals except the huge pigs, which really surprised me. He knows what a pig sounds like, but I guess they were a lot bigger behind the cage. We also got to see the baby pigs born only 2 days before.

AJ has really started to crawl and scoot to wherever he wants to go. To reward his big accomplishment, John and I ventured to Toys R Us. What an ordeal! We got AJ a rockin' band set that he can sit at or push. It makes tons of noise and occupies him forever. When he showed it to him at the store, he got the biggest smile on his face. Softy dad, gave it and wanted to buy the whole store. What a change in roles for him! I wish I could upload the video of him playing with this toy, but the picture will have to speak for itself.
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