Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving...

Wow, what an awesome 2 days! Yesterday, I woke up really early and began to put the final touches on Thanksgiving dinner for my parents. Everything turned out great, except for these gross potatoes that my mom told me to make... (we ended up sending them to the cabin with my dad, uncle, and cousins) We ate tons of great food for brunch around 12ish, then headed to my aunts to play games. FUN FUN FUN!
Afterwards, we went to John's family for another meal around 6ish. It was also very good. Being that everyone was drinking and not paying attention to the food, the sweet potatoes caught fire in the oven. It was quite a sight to see... I wish I had my camera..... We stayed there a long time until I finally drug John out about 1130pm. I was not about to have him interupt my day of shopping.
I made a pot of coffee and Michelle and I headed out for 'Black Friday' about 1AM. We had a blast. We hit the outlets, the mall, Toys R Us, Old Navy; you name it and we were there. The best part was just watching people. It is seriously like a stamped! Route 30 was backed up for miles, bumper to bumper.
We had an awesome time and I will totally do it again next year. I am so proud of Michelle; she is becoming quite the pro. (thanks to some training.... haha)

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