Thursday, May 21, 2009


Super quick....

As Mindy and I were walking to our pump-it class Tuesday night, we saw 3 young kids playing in their front yard. We went walking by and as we did, one little girl came running over saying something. We thought she wanted to show us her earrings, or so that's how it sounded with her little lisp. (cute :) ) As we approached her and she ran to the edge of the road, she asked me to bend down, so I did. All she wanted to do was touch my earrings. She noticed my tiny hoops from the middle of her yard and she wanted to touch them. Precious. She touched them 3 times, maybe more if I would have let her, before we said we needed to keep walking. She was adorable; checking out my wallet, my license, keys, anything she could get ahold of. That probably made her day, but to us, it's now the running joke. I love little kids!

1 comment:

Joseph Wilson said...

Hey girl! I am coming to PA from June 30-July 7! Joe and the kids are coming too, it would be fun to visit with you sometime during the visit! Let me know!
