As most of you already read, I failed my first 1 hour GTT. So, this gave me the privledge of sitting in a lab for 3 hours on a Friday morning. I had been following this special "high carb" diet for 3 days prior and had nothing to eat since Thursday evening at 8pm.
My test started Friday at 7 am with the first blood draw. Level was good and the test was continued. ( I guess if the level is too high, diabetes is already determined and the test is cancelled... I didn't want this! ) I chugged down 100mL's of a gross orange flavored, pure sugar beverage in 5 minutes. It was so nasty! I then waited.... for each hour to pass until my next level was taken.
Hospital work, competencies, solitare, and reading passed my 3 hours fairly quickly. It helped drinking a liter of water throughout as the staff said I might get sick on the orange beverage. Thank goodness that didn't happen!
3 more levels were taken at 1 hour intervals. The last level to be taken was attempted by a student in the lab. He missed my pipes 3 times until someone else came in to finally get the blood. Trust me, I would have drawn the level myself but I was not leaving without giving the last sample... I was not about to repeat the test!
So, after all was said and done, I thought a little shopping was due. Heading to the outlets, I was so craving McDonalds for some crazy reason. As I sat in the parking lot of the outlets, I suddenly started sweating, stripping off layers of clothing and opening all the car doors. I was trying to find anything in my car to eat, as I could feel myself getting dizzy and lightheaded. I found 1/2 a chocolate bar and let me tell you... I couldn't get the pieces in my mouth fast enough. I was shaking so badly. After I felt my body had it's second dose of high sugar, I proceeded with shopping...
When I got to work on Saturday, I checked my glucose levels. My last level was 43! Way low, as normal is 80-120. Um, can we say hypoglycemic? No wonder I felt the way I did.
Thank goodness for not having gestational diabetes! I guess we'll see how the doctor responds to my test at my appointment tomorrow. And this only starts the beginning adventure of motherhood :)
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