Your team has encapactivated my husband's attention for the last 2 years. Not only has his wardrobe tripled in VT gear, but our phone bill went sky high with constant updates and We, I mean he, can't go more than 4 hours without checking statistics, player and coach quotes, your take of how the games went, etc.
Need I say more, we have been officially "un-invited" to Penn State football parties as my husband will only wear VT apparel. With your teams most recent appearance in the Chick-Fil-A bowl game, I am thankful that your team prevailed and came out on top. Our New Years Eve was spent in front of the television screen, eyes glued to your kicker, and fists pounding on my glass living room table.
I have tried to be the most supportive wife possible. I have traveled via car to Maryland with my husband, who is like a giddy school girl going on her first date; and I have traveled via RV. (thank God for awesome friends). The trips were memorable, stopping at truck stops, tail-gating with loved ones, and watching pull out televisions from the side of the RV. I have even stooped low enough to earn brownie points from my husband by colorfully creating cookies in maroon and orange. And yes, my VT wardrobe has expanded by 1 shirt. :)
Coach Beamer, as another year is completed, and we have 2 more left to watch, I thank you for giving my husband back. This year was topped by an awesome, blessful pregnancy and the announcement of your team winning the Chick-Fil-A Bowl.
Thank you!
A happy wife


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