AJ had his 6 month appointment last week and the reviews were, let's say.... not so good. He is 27 3/4 inches long (75%) and he dropped from the 10% in weight to the 3rd! He has double his birth weight, but is still only 13.3 lbs. He's a skinny little thing but is growing super fast in height. Because of his weight drop, I was asked to start a new feeding regime. Instead of 4 oz bottles, he is now up to 6 oz, totaling 24-26 oz/day. I think this will make his babysitter super happy, as she says he can't go more than 2 hours between feeds for her. He's continuing to eat fruits and vegetables that I make and he is loving them. He loves sweet potatoes, pears, applesauce, and peaches. He is not a big fan of PEAS and he will certainly let you know that by creating a new design pattern on your tee-shirt.
I am struggling with the feeding issue as I detest messes. AJ is so interactive and will grab your hand and spoon and shove it into his mouth by himself. The food runs all over the highchair. He will then insist on washing it down by eating his bib or more recently, the straps on his highchair. Lovely, I know. I have to come to the reality that messes will happen, we will both get messy and need showers following feeding time, etc. I am trying to enjoy it but it makes life a little difficult with we're in a hurry. I've learned to now strip him down to his diaper to feed him, as it makes for easier clean up.
I am loving this stage of 6 months. AJ is super interactive, talkative all the time, and giggling over nothing at all. He finds it funny as we lay him down to sleep, turn out all the lights and kiss him goodnight. All of a sudden, he will just start giggling. It's hard not to laugh and we end up staying up a little later. He is a great sleeper, sleeping through the night and about 3-5 hours during the day. He's actually been sleeping for 4 hours now, that's how I can finally catch up on blogging; and house work of course.... :)
Here are some newly updated pictures....

We're starting to teethe. We have two new bottom daggers that have successfully come through.

He's been holding his own bottle and assisting with feeds.
We have yet to crawl or scoot, but he can turn himself around and is constantly rolling. He seems to never want to just "sit," but instead, wants to stand all the time.

We recently went to my grandmothers for yet another cooking lesson. This time, vegetable beef soup, d'lish! My few of my cousins were there and decided to make AJ some "string bling." He had bracelets on his ankles, wrists and everywhere. Needless to say when we got home, dad took them all off. :( No fun.
Things we are looking forward to...
1. I start back in labor and delivery on October 10. I am super excited as this is where I am most looking forward to working.
2. Moving day is still set for October 30. No bites on the house, but we are still holding out hope and praying the right person will come along.
3. Our mini vaca to North Carolina on Sept 8. Unfortunately, John will have to work, but AJ and I will be making the long drive. I am hoping to make this during his sleep hours so I can drive the whole night.
4. UGH! Additional weight check for AJ in 6 weeks. Hopefully we will be packing on the pounds.
5. Continued training for my 5K. (update later.... AJ just woke up :) )
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