Last night was AJ's first football game, at Hershey Park Stadium of all places! Manheim played Lower Dolphin and won 47-10. It was quite an interesting and long day for me, as I had been up since 1am due to working. I picked AJ up at Nan and Grandpa's around 4ish and we went home to get mentally prepared for the game... YEH RIGHT! We went home to shower, pack bags and run around like crazy. I wasn't sure how to pack or what extra clothing to bring for him.
Due the game, we sat almost right behind the band and AJ was fascinated every time they played any fight song. He watched the band and seemed to be watching the game as he lounged in the "mom chair." (AKA: my lap). Daddy's kicker was doing great and everyone was lovin' AJ. He was so well behaved. During the last quarter, Nan took AJ and they went under the bleachers as the announcer stated a strong rain was quickly moving towards Hershey. Strong rain wasn't even close to what came through. Terental downpour was more like it. Just about everyone was soaked! But we had fun.
AJ ended up not going to bed until about 1030 pm, which his usual bedtime is around 8ish. The minute I laid him down, I knew it was going to be a rough night. His nose was so congested, and he couldn't really breathe easily through it. We were up and down since 2 am. I ended up sleeping between the rocking chair and couch with AJ on my chest. It was the only thing I could do at that time in the morning to keep him upright. Poor little guy :( Needless to say, he still has a runny nose today. Maybe due to teething, I'm not sure? Hopefully this week will be better as we are heading to NC! YEH!
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