Monday, June 11, 2007

A Day Off? yeah right....

My day off consisted of a list of chores and errands to be done. I started off at the gym, participating in one of my newest, favorite classes; kick it pilates. Now, I am not a flexible person for pilates and yoga, but I am addicted to this class. I feel so awesome once I am finished, that I want to go and conquer the world. I then ran errands, picking up odds and ends at multiple stops; Walmart being one of them.

Walmart is a place where I can spend hours and hundreds of dollars and still come out with something I needed for less than $1. I love it! They have everything and anything you could possibly think of. My list consisted of a garden hose and lighters for the grill tonight. (I had the brillant idea of a having a romantic dinner on our patio of steaks and wine.... we'll see how this turns out)

Anyway, while I was at Walmart, I passed a young lady and her son who was playing in the shopping cart. As I passed, the lady was yelling at her son for playing near her purse. The quote of the day was, "stop playing, you're smashing my cigarettes!" I was embarrassed to be around them, but yet I felt aweful for the little boy. What have people become!? We are so obsessed with physical property that we forget about the feelings of others and the ones that we love. It sucks!

After I returned home, I spend the afternoon powerwashing the patio. A whip mark to my ankle and multiple cobwebs later, the patio looks great. I am so proud of myself and I can't wait to enjoy it this summer. Wish us luck tonight and hope we don't burn the steaks....

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