Thursday, March 22, 2007


Super excited! Last night John's partner in crime called and announced that Lisa had the baby. She had a baby boy in which they named Austin. I am so excited to see both of them. I made a scrapbook that goes through month by month until age 1. I can't wait to give it to them.

Tomorrow we leave for Annapolis. Yes, I'm still excited but stressed out at the same time. I have a lot of studying to do and I feel that I can not get caught up. I called off work tonight just to finish everything before we leave tomorrow afternoon.

School has been going well. Today we switched clinical sights and I am finally somewhere new. My teacher seems really nice and lax compared to my previous instructor.

This makes me sick..
This man is still practicing. It's odd, because Thursday, my patient was in for a TKR gone wrong. I wonder now who did his surgery. His knee became totally infected that it actually started to eat way at the femor in his leg.

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