Tuesday, April 03, 2007

"I'll Never Let Go..."

Well, the time has come for the good old yellow shirt to make it's first appearance in 2007. (well actually, it's first ever appearance) Today I was to check off on the catheterization of a female, so I wore my shirt. (The shirt was created by Ann, Jacqui, and I in LPN school)
I wore it for laughs and I also wore it because I miss everyone from last year so much, that I had to do something to remember our fun times practicing in the lab. Anyway, yes I got questioned about it, but other students knew exactly what the shirt meant when they read it. After school, I went to the grocery store and was getting lunch meat when the lady behind the counter asked me what my shirt meant. First off, the lady was probably about 40ish and there were older people (couples) standing in line behind me. I kindly wispered that I was a nursing student and the sayings had to do with cathing a patient. She looked at me dumbfoundedly and repeated her question. Again, I didn't want to make a scene, so I repeated myself. She still did not seem to get it, and so I just thanked her for my goods and walked away. As I was walking away, all I could think about was how everyone was probably staring at me as the back of my shirt read....

I'm sure that if you do not know what is meant by the sayings, I can guarantee you that it won't ruin your day.
I miss you Jacqui Rudden! I'll always remember to DSL... HAHAHA!

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