Friday, October 10, 2008

Farm Show, Farm Show, How I Love Thee

Ah, you know it has hit Autumn when the leaves start to turn, and you realize you now need more than a sweatshirt outside. The beginning of the Farm Show also marks a time for Autumn, as we get excited to carve pumpkins, prepare for the trick-or-treaters, etc. I love it!

I have been to the Farm Show only twice this week. I've enjoyed many long lost pleasures such as Kreider Farms milkshakes, funnel cakes, and a warm toasted sub. I love every minute of it, from looking at Bobcats with John, to seeing a 1200 lb pumpkin. It is also a good time to catch up with friends that we 'never find the time' to see, unfortunately.

Every year, I love looking at the animals and watching the baby pigs feed, holding the chicks, etc. This year, kittens came onto the scene. I loved all of them! I wanted one so badly, but with Matilda, I don't think that would fly too well. (with John either) John and I had a wonderful time together last night as we walked the grounds of Manheim and laughed over chocolate milkshakes. Such fun times!

1 comment:

Em said...

Hey Jacquie! Thank you so much for your comment, and I welcome the advice. It has been a long road with this skin stuff! We will certainly be trying the triple paste. If I could add up how much we've spent on creams and lotions and potions....whew.


Thanks again!